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Established Canadian businesses - For Sale by Owner - in Canada

 Buy a Canadian company Listing # 44207002
 Business  For  Sale 
 Buy a Canadian company

Growing, well-established Toronto Electrical/Fire/Security business

$120,000.00 (Cdn)

Growing, well-established Toronto Electrical/Fire/Security business
Business Location: South Central Ontario
Postal Code: L0R
Relocatable: Yes
Business Categories:
Contracting Trades
Home Based Business


This home-based contracting business specializes in fire, electrical, and security services. With a strong foundation and a growing reputation, it has been attracting new customers every year. The business is well-positioned for further expansion and the new owner has a chance to leverage the established brand to target institutional clients. To achieve this growth, the business needs to hire qualified employees to meet the increasing demands of this thriving sector.


Profitable with positive cash flow.
Gross Revenue $207,000
SDE $110,297


The electrical fire security industry is a mature industry with a constant demand driven by the need for safety protection in every premise and building. Compliance with safety standards is crucial for obtaining insurance coverage, which creates a steady and unchanging demand throughout the year. Unlike some industries, there is no noticeable seasonal trend. As a result, the emphasis in the market is placed on the quality of work, reputation, and customer service to secure recurring revenue.



-  INCLUDED  in  the  Price  -


  • Inventory
  • Supplies
  • Tools

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